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Duplicando o limite de resolução convencional de imagens de time lapse em células vivas.

O Microscópio de Super Resolução N-SIM S utiliza um sistema exclusivo de iluminação estruturada de alta velocidade para permitir aquisições de até 15 fps, permitindo que processos biológicos rápidos sejam capturados com o dobro da resolução espacial de microscópios de luz convencionais (até 115nm em XY) . Combinando o N-SIM S e um microscópio confocal, você terá a flexibilidade de selecionar um local na imagem confocal e alternar para super-resolução para visualizar a parte desejada do local em detalhes minuciosos.


Lateral resolution (FWHM of beads in xy) 115 nm*1 in 3D-SIM mode, 86 nm*2 in TIRF-SIM mode
Axial resolution (FWHM of beads in z) 269 nm*1 in 3D-SIM mode
Image acquisition time Up to 15 fps (TIRF-SIM/2D-SIM, 2 msec exposure time)
Reconstructed image size 1024 x 1024 pixels, 2048 x 2048 pixels
Imaging mode TIRF-SIM
3D-SIM (Reconstruction method: slice, stack)
Multi-color imaging Up to 6 colors
multi-color imaging
Two colors
Compatible laser LUD-H series laser unit (TIRF-SIM)
Standard: 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm
Option: 445 nm, 515 nmZiva Light Engine series laser unit (2D/3D-SIM)
405 nm, 446 nm, 476 nm, 518 nm, 545 nm, 637 nm
Compatible microscope Motorized inverted microscope ECLIPSE Ti2-E

Perfect Focus System
Motorized XY stage with encoders
Piezo Z stage

Objective CFI SR HP Plan Apochromat Lambda S 100XC Sil (NA1.35)
CFI SR HP Apochromat TIRF 100XC Oil (NA 1.49)
CFI SR HP Apochromat TIRF 100XAC Oil (NA 1.49)
CFI SR Plan Apochromat IR 60XC WI (NA 1.27)
CFI SR Plan Apochromat IR 60XAC WI (NA 1.27)
CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 60XC (NA 0.95)*3
CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda D 40XC (NA 0.95)*3
Camera ORCA-Fusion BT camera (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.)
Software NIS-Elements AR
NIS-Elements C
 (for Confocal Microscope AX/AX R)

Both require additional software modules NIS-A 6D and N-SIM Analysis

Operating conditions 20 ℃ to 28 ℃ (± 1.5 ℃)

*1 These values are measured using 100 nm diameter beads excited by a 488 nm laser. Actual resolution is dependent on laser wavelength and optical configuration.
*2 This value is measured using 40 nm diameter beads excited by a 488 nm laser. Actual resolution is dependent on laser wavelength and optical configuration.
*3 Supports 2D-SIM and 3D-SIM (slice reconstruction).

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